Saturday 15 January 2011

Prepare for the dead

14th January

Yawn. Its tiring waking up from drinking. I don't drink much, mind you. Just slightly. Its a good way to meet the fellow travelers in my hostel. So today, me and Sam visited the famous cemetary in Recoleta. Its famous due to its size, extravagent graves and its fortress like design. The entire gravesite is protected by a wall, with only one entrance through a giant archway.

So the graves were very nice to look at. Massive angels arching over the graves, big statues, lovely craftsmanship. For those back at home, I took a video and a few pictures. The place is a maze though, and you can easily lose your bearing, which happened to me. I also managed to find the famous grave of Evita, a political figure in Argentina. Famous for something...

After the grave, I explored the area bit more. I looked at some local goods, like jewerlly, brain teasers and some local talent. This led me into another church. This one isnt a big as the one in Central BA, but it held an exhibit displaying many religious items from the 18th century. Some being gold and silver ware, the bones of two saints, and the robes of cardinals/bishops. I also made a new friend here, a girl called Danielle. She works there.

I then visited a comtempory art museum right next door. Now this place is big. Good art, shit art, it has it all. I took pictures of the ones I liked.

During the night, Sam surggested we go on this organised Pub crawl. What a big mistake. 80 pesos down the drain. It was ran by big headed Americans who kept shouting Salute and all that crap. 3 bars and a night club. I will never drink here gain. Why is everything so expensive? I didnt really enjoy the dance club either. Our two friends left quite early, I dont know why. So me and Sam found new dance partners. I think I was quite good, but I didnt really enjoy the scene at all. At least I know for certain now that the dance club scene is not my scene.

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