Thursday 20 January 2011

Its gone...FOREVER

19th January

Today something terrible happened. Someone stole my food!!!!! From the refrigerator!!! I tagged my food bag too...
Well, they didn't steal everything. They took my half red pepper, all my mushrooms and my rice bag. MY RICE BAG. But karma works in a nice way, because then my room mate came in and gave me a pot of pasta. Awesome. Then at dinner, another person I met gave me some of his food, this italian dish with an extremely sour sauce. 

So today I cooked:
. microwaved pasta cooked in tomatoes and herbs
. boiled hot dog sausages
. boiled roots and carrots
. one boiled egg

For dinner I cooked:
. Microwaved pasta
. Boiled hot dog sausages
. Boiled roots and carrots
. Italian food

You gotta love budget eating.

Tonight I went to the other Milhouse hostel, which is about 5 minutes from this hostel. They were hosting a party. It was loads of fun. Its surprising how well I dance after two cocktails and one beer. I busted out loads of classic moves, like the peace side, the wavy leg thing and the Elvis pelvic thrust. I went with two room mates by the way, Carlos and Jeff. Two Americans.

Carlos is a great guy. For some reason, its really easy to talk to him. I guess because he is charismatic. Or he actually responds to my jokes. I met alot more people at the party too. But more importantly, my previous drinking buddy, Francisco. Brazillian, funny and great when drunk.

I left at 2pm, because I didnt want to go to the after party. So all in all, a great night.

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