Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Rio Branco sucks. So does Brazil.

Rio Branco. As expected, to put it in the gentlest terms, it's a shit hole. The place itself was not too bad. Its just the outrages prices they demand of us for accommodation. But the food isn't too expensive for a Brazillian restaurant though. 

We stayed in a hotel, which had quite good beds but a broken AC. However, thats not what made me hate this place so much though. I think I just hate Brazil in general. I dislike the language, currency, prices and most of, the language. I simply hate it. It sounds as if it does not belong to a continent that speaks the Spanish language! But I can only assume I hate it so much is because I have no idea what they are saying to me. Plus it sounds like Dutch with all it's clucking, clicking and choking sounds. All the Spanish I have learnt throughout my journey is now useless. A fluent speaker may understand a little bit of portugese, but for me it's like an alien language. That I hate. All in all, I did not do much here. This is only a rest point for my next journey, which is to Porto Velho. So after no success in finding a cheaper alternative to our sleeping arrangements, I booked a ticket out of there and should reach Porto Velho in 10 hours or so. 

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