Sunday, 22 May 2011

Battered, Bruised and Bleeding

Hey everyone.

Its Sunday, and I am going to spend my time wisely recovering from my injuries that I obtained from the Chachani mountain bike ride.

It was fun, no doubt about it. Just painful. The tankers met up at the Casa for 8am, then we took a 2 - 3 hour van ride to the top of the Chachani volcano. Then we strapped on our geeky helmets, protective pads, sat our asses on our bikes and rode down the mountain.

I look rough after my tumble
I tackled sand pits, rocky paths and such. Most of the way it was a down slope ride, which was extremely exilerating. I hated the sand parts though, because whenever I dropped in speed, my bike would sink. If I go too fast, I would drift out of control, resulting in me eating sand and dirt. Unfortuantly, this occured several times. 8 to be exact.

The wounds I suffered are the following:

- Bleeding left elbow
- Majorly bruised right palm
- Muscle fatique along the hips, stomache, upper legs and my balls.
- Yes, my balls

Unfortuantly during the trip, Carielle, one of the tankers, lost her Camera lens cover. This resulted in a further 1 hour of driving around looking for it. It amazes me what the tour guides did to help, but to no luck. I´m sure it can be replaced however.

Getting back to the hostel, I dropped out faster than a falling turtle. That means I slept like a baby.


  1. I just replaced it today!! And I didn't get my lens scratched before that! OH and I think the tour guide helped so much cuz he was worried he had a hand in me losing that lens cover!! ;-)

  2. oh btw I STILL have my bruises from the bloody bike trip and they STILL hurt :-/
