Tuesday 5 April 2011

Its sure been long

Hey everyone.

First of all, I ain't going to bother with putting up a date. Its been so long since my last post I rather not. So instead, Im going to summarise what I have been doing since...the last post.

So in Santiago, I went around getting lost whilst exploring the city. This is part of the fun however so don´t feel sorry for me. Additionally, its rather hard to get lost in Santiago...kind of anyway. So I stayed in the hostel for about 7 days if I remember correctly. And oh such a lovely place, with wonderful people. Main shout outs to my room mates, Irish Osin and Gerrard. Extremely amusing fellows and always a delight to talk to.

On a tangent, I predict that the whole of Santiago´s english students will start talking with an Irish accent, because there is literally a horde of Irish teachers coming to Santiago to teach in the private sector. It really does amaze me. I have met over 8 teachers, most being Irish and American. Not a single Brit amongst them unfortuantly.

During my stay at the Hostel, I got to celebrate one of the staff´s birthday, her name being Adria. That meant free booze and free entry to night club. Now night clubs is not my preferred environment, but free is free. We travelled in a huge group, so no trouble here mama.

I eventually left Santiago, going slowly north. I went past many places and stopped in many. One of the highlights is a small dirty place called Nogales, which happens to be my current location. Now this is a highlight, because I met a great person here called Thomas. With our rough communication, I was invited to stay in his house with his mother, Paola, father, Roberto and brother, Eric. I am still with this family now. They are just so generous and amazing. I am still grateful for the hospitality and generousity they are showing me. I try my best to help around of course, but Paola refuses to let me do any work. But I manage to get some by her when she isn´t looking. Its also a great place because I´m learning spanish here as well, as I speak in a combnation of english and spanish with the help of my dictionary.

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